American Legion Greenlawn Post 1244
Town of Huntington VeteransTax Exemptions
These exemptions provide a tax savings for Town, County and School District charges but not for Special Districts. The un-remarried surviving spouse of a Veteran may retain the benefit of the Veteran's Exemption. The Restoration of Honor Act was signed into law in 2019. The act authorizes the New York State Division of Veterans' Services (DVS) to restore access to state veterans benefits to veterans who have an Other-Than-Honorable Discharge or a General Under Honorable Conditions Discharge due to certain reasons specified in the law.
As a result, if an applicant for the alternative and cold war veterans exemptions received a letter from DVS stating that the veteran meets the character of discharge criteria for all of the benefits and services listed in the Restoration of Honor Act, the applicant would submit a copy of that letter with their application. The applicant is not required to provide documentation of having been discharged or released under honorable conditions.
Alternative Veterans Exemption
(NYSRPTL Section 458-a)
The Veteran must have served during wartime, and additional savings are allowed for those Veterans who served in a combat zone, and more savings for those with service- connected disability ratings. The property must be the primary and legal residence of the Veteran in order to receive the Alternative Veterans Exemption.
Along with the application and other documents, the Veteran must supply a valid copy of form DD-214 which was received upon separation from the service.
There is also a "Gold Star Parent" Veterans Exemption (for the parent of a son or daughter who dies in the line of duty while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during a period of war) which is covered under the "Alternative Veterans Exemption" with the additional combat zone benefits.
Another possible exemption for those Veterans who served before 1984 is called the "Eligible Funds Veterans Exemption" (NYS RPTL Section 458).
These Veterans from WWII, Korea and Vietnam purchased property with service pensions, bonuses or insurance monies, referred to as "eligible funds" under the G.l. Bill. Although no new "eligible funds" exemptions are permitted today, Veterans may transfer their existing "eligible funds" from one property to another as they sell one house and buy another.
Cold War Veterans may also benefit from an exemption. These Veterans served during non-war, non-conflict years after WWII (1945) and before the Persian Gulf Conflict (1991).
For the complete brochure of all exemptions, please open this link to read, download or print
Residential Property Exemption Brochure
Lisa Leonick
Town Assessor
Town Hall (Room 100)
100 Main Street
Huntington, NY 11743